Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Making sense of the California propositions

Prop 73: Require 48 hour notification to parents prior to abortion by minors.
My pick: NO
This is the same restriction that they failed to impose on every women who seeks abortion. Although it has much stronger argument, still "NO".

Prop 74: Makes teachers wait longer (5 years instead of 2) to become tenure and easier to be fired.
My pick: NO
Yes, there are too many under qualified teachers in our public schools. But is it the main problem of current public schools? I don't think so. The problem is that qualified teacher is under paid and desperately needed. Without the current tenure incentive, how would you to recruit new teachers? There's no free lunch. Arnold has to just pay back his loan from education funding.

Prop 75: Require unions to obtain specific permission on spending members' dues on political contributions and lobby.
My pick: NO
It sounds legitimate, the union members should be the one deciding how their dues can be spent on lobbying for a particular cause. The reality is that this is the typical trick politicians use to prevent the union actually use this money for any lobbying. Campaign financing is necessary but you can't cherry pick the ones that only do your good, Arnold. Besides, it's up to each union itself to decide how to use their dues. The most one can do is to opt out, instead of opt in.

Prop 76: State spending restrictions, budget should be in line with revenue.
My pick: YES
If I can't spend what I didn't earn, why could the state? Fiscally responsible may not be easy but it's "tough love" for California in the long run. The proposition should make it more clear that what should be cut first and it's not totally up to the governor to decide.

Prop 77: Redistricting by a third party instead by politicians themselves
My Pick: YES
In principle, this should be a YES. However, how do you do that still need negotiation. At least, the three judges the governor picks wouldn't work.

Prop 78 & 79: Prescription drug discounts
My Pick: NO on both
I don't think either plan works. It'd be interesting to see which one would won and how it will pan out.

Prop 80: Electricity providers should be limited by the same law that governs public owned utilities.
My Pick: not sure
Didn't read enough to understand what's behind it. In general, the current system works well at certain degree. You can tell that from the mild energy gas price increase right after Katrina in California comparing with East coast states. But whether it discourages investment on new power plants and infrastructure is not known, at least to me.


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