Saturday, April 09, 2005

Plan hopping? Good for the short term and pain in the long run

See LA Times' report on HMO and PPO.

The idea of heal insurance bases on the assumption that when everybody pays a little every month, by the time one gets sick wouldn't have to pay a hefty price up front. When insurance company allows the young and healthy cherry picking low benefit low premium plans, the old and sick will end up bearing all the cost for health care. It's called "reward for better health." Then, why need insurance? Just pay what you get then. By that, we can also save the money the HMOs and PPOs make for telling us what kind of health care we get.

As the wealthiest nation and a supper power, it's sad that over 20% Americans can't afford basic health care. I'm not saying a national medical coverage plan is the solution, but at least some form of it like Medicare should be in place before we have something more effective. That would be good news for small business that they would have the same bargain power as those big corporations do now. Personally, I don't mind paying for it although it may end up cost me a whole lot more.


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