Sunday, July 01, 2007

Massachusetts' test on Universal healthcare plan

Today is the start of the roll out of Massachusetts' new universal health care plan. Detailed facts of the plan may be found here summarized by the Kaiser Foundation. It is a comprehensive plan includes free coverages for the poor, state subsidized health insurance coverages for middle class, requirement of businesses (11 employee of larger) to pay for a modest contribution, and penalty in tax returns for individuals not obtaining health coverage by year end.

In the environment of talking about health care coverage, Massachusetts is the first to act. I like the fact that they will take this in slow steps, which gives it more time and opportunity to correct any mistakes and making changes along the way. On the other hand, even this eventually works for everybody in Boston, it will not work for California where a large number of people not even file their tax returns.

Coverage on the Post, the Times, the Journal, and the Globe.

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