Thursday, February 07, 2008

SAT for presidential candidates?

Heard this on NPR. It's a joke, but so funny when GW is the current president who for sure will fail every single one of these.

"The presidency of the United States, arguably the most important job on planet Earth, may be the only non-entry level position anywhere that requires no specific training or demonstrated competence."

"The Presidential Knowledge and Fitness Assessment (PKFA) would consist of several sections. Part I: 500 questions on grammar, spelling, literature, social studies, mathematics, and science. Part II: a complex personality profile. Part III: a polygraph exam. Thus would we eliminate those with limited language skills that reflect impaired thinking, critical ignorance of world history, economics, and the workings of science, abundant self-importance, uncompromising arrogance, and fundamental inclinations toward torture or deceit."

"For too long we have accepted the notion that politics is a dirty business capable of making the strangest bedfellows. Whoever's in the bed, it's time we changed the sheets."

Oh, the author is Gary Earl Ross, a writer and a professor at UB's Educational Opportunity Center.

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