Sunday, March 02, 2008

How sorry is Ralph Nader?

First, I don't think Al Gore should blame Nader for his failure in 2000. After all, he chose not to use Bill's help and lost his own state: if he had won Tennessee, he didn't have to worry about the recount in Florida.

But I can blame Nader for get Bush elected. If he claim that he didn't see the outcome, he's either a lier or just stupid. If he claims (he did) for ideology, I don't know what that is. Look at what Bush had done over the past eight years.

I despise Ralph Nader and put him into the same category as Dick Cheney.

This Time Essay by Joel Stein is a good piece about him and the elections.

Some excerpts:

"Now Democrats hate him for getting George Bush elected. Republicans hate him for getting George Bush elected."

"It's one thing to be so out of it you don't use e-mail. It's quite another to believe the technology has been around since the Jim Crow South."

"Nader's huge problem is that you can't demand financial honesty from politicians when you can't be honest yourself. Nader just can't admit that he's at least a little responsible for Gore's loss. And that he may have gotten it at least a little wrong when he said there wasn't much difference between Bush and Gore. Bush, it turns out, isn't boring."

"It's important for people who feel they're not being heard to have the option to vote for insane, incapable candidates."

Sorry, may be it's a bit too strong in the last sentence. At lease in this campaign, none of the top three seems a bad choice. Personally, I prefer Hilary over McCain and McCain over Obama. Sadly, it looks like Hilary needs a miracle on Tuesday to come back on track, so that leaves us President McCain and another four years of Republican presidency. Let's see how long his Honorary Stevens can hang on to make sure the delicate balance in the the Supreme Court.

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