Sunday, June 10, 2007

Bobby: the sound of silence

Have yet seen the movie. Just a few clips and tons of reviews.

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Who killed the electric car?

A couple of years ago when I first moved to LA, I noticed unique signs on the side of freeway for directions to an "Electric Car Charging Station." At the time, I didn't know how many people has those cars, nor did I care: gas was cheap (some times a gallon of gas cost less than $1). Now after watching this documentary, I finally learned the whole story.

May be it were the big oil and auto companies who directly killed the electric car, but, in deed, it is the people who are so near-sighted and their choices of government (both federal and local) didn't help either. History has shown that when there is an effective government mandate for better fuel economy (look CAFE by Carter) or availability for zero emission (CARB), the industry will be able to improve. That's where the system broke down.

What should we do now? As much as I don't like The Inconvenient Truth, what Al Gore did and is doing now may be the only way to do it with grass root effort. Another proposition in the next California election? Dream on.

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